Here at ERCC Kids, our goal is to share Jesus and show that He loves them so that they may come to know Jesus as their Savior by teaching them the truth through the Word of God. Together, we’ll learn in a safe, fun, and creative environment. Each classroom is designed to be developmentally appropriate for every child and his/her friends. We believe that families are the best place for children to experience God and our heart is to partner with parents as they raise their children to love the Lord.

Here are some important things to know...
Check In
Check in starts at 9:45am every Sunday. A trained team member will be available to help walk you through the process. Each child will receive a name tag with a 4 digit code that matches their parent's code. Parents will bring their kids to Worship, and then we will make an announcement when kids are dismissed to their classes. Parents can pick up their kids in their classrooms at the end of service.
We take the safety of our children very seriously, and have several layers to oursafety plan. First, each family is given a different security code each week. When you check your child in at one of our Check In kiosks, a name tag for your child will print alongside a security tag. You will need to hold on to the security tag to be used to pick up your child. When it’s time for pick up, a classroom helper will check to make sure your security tag matches the security code on your child’s name tag.
Our teaching team uses The Gospel Project by Lifeway curriculum. It provides creative, multi-sensory teaching that immerses your kids in deep Bible learning, helping them to know Jesus personally and grow in relationship with him.
What to bring
We highly encourage the kids to bring their Bibles and all their energy to worship our God!!! We can’t wait to meet you!
Our entire serving team has been background checked as we aim to provide a physically and emotionally safe environment for our kids.
Our check in and classrooms are located down the hall and across from the bathrooms.